The Bitcoin Gazette

1st is 1st: The Honey Badger's Dont Care!

1st is 1st: The Honey Badger's Dont Give a Shit About Your Gay NudeMonkes!

In the wild untamed jungle of Bitcoin Ordinals theres one pack of pixelated badasses that clawed their way to the top first: The Honey Badgers. Yeah you heard me - THE FIRST OG 10k collection inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain. Not those overhyped late-to-the-party NodeMonkes sorry, NudeMonkes because, their claim at first 10k is transparent, lets be real the degeneracy writes itself. The Badgers dont just predate your monkey JPEGs; theyre the grizzled granddaddies of the Ordinals game and theyve got the receipts to prove it.

Lets rewind to 2023 when the crypto streets were buzzing with the fresh scent of Ordinal Theory and sats were getting funky. Enter Akva (@akva556) the mad lad behind the Honey Badgers who dropped a tweet on March 10th thats basically the Magna Carta of Bitcoin NFTs. "Ordinal Honey Badgers mint is live" he barked "10k collection 69420 sats each affordable as hell built for the community." (Okay I paraphrased but you get the gist - check the archives its there.) While the NudeMonkes were still scratching their pixelated balls figuring out how to ape Ethereums playbook Akva was out here inscribing fearless Badgers onto BTC like a boss. First. OG. Done.


But these Badgers arent just about flexing their historical clout - theyve got a heart of gold (or at least a heart of sats). When Brazil got hit with some gnarly floods in 2024 the Honey Badgers didnt just sit around hodling. Nah they got their claws dirty. Akva and the crew opened up Badger sales at 0.015 BTC a pop with every satoshi going straight to rescue teams in Porto Alegre. Posts on X show they rallied a big wave rider squad and safety pros from Rio to help out. Thats right - while you were panic-selling your altcoin bags these pixelated beasts were saving lives. Degenerate? Sure. Heroic? Hell yeah.

Happy Times

The Honey Badgers have been throwing their weight around like BTC whales at an all-you-can-eat buffet sponsoring events at Bitcoin Conferences left and right. From Miami to Amsterdam, Will they be gambling in Vegas? You can still get your tickets and maybe see a Badger or too as theyre here to stay and theyre bankrolling the vibes to prove it.

So next time youre scrolling X drooling over some hyped-up NudeMonke floor price remember this: The Honey Badgers were the first to bite into Bitcoins blockchain and they dont give a FUCK about your monkey business. Theyve got the grit the generosity and the OG cred to back it up. Akvas 2023 tweet wasnt just a mint announcement - it was a battle cry. And these Badgers? Theyre still out here clawing through disasters and conferences proving theyre the real kings of the Ordinals jungle. Respect the hustle degens.