Inscription 59963203
- parents
- id
- e767367b08dc80b559b643e20bdff9aa8d6507d9d099434d3bb3579e3f9ab0ffi0
- metadata
- author
- 1337
- collection
- 1337 Critters
- name
- The Guy Original
- type
- The Guy
- variety
- Original
- location
- Right
- background color
- #631662
- animated
- true
- address
- bc1p84rh7w8p5trywlkynkzacznt4xncp9t8sr2vg3tqms2xu47276kspcy0ew
- value
- 550
- preview
- link
- content
- link
- content length
- 1453 bytes
- content type
- image/gif
- timestamp
- height
- 829115
- fee
- 5438
- reveal transaction
- e767367b08dc80b559b643e20bdff9aa8d6507d9d099434d3bb3579e3f9ab0ff
- location
- e767367b08dc80b559b643e20bdff9aa8d6507d9d099434d3bb3579e3f9ab0ff:1:0
- output
- e767367b08dc80b559b643e20bdff9aa8d6507d9d099434d3bb3579e3f9ab0ff:1
- offset
- 0
- ethereum teleburn address
- 0x34AD1946B75E474e2B43c8baEa5fa534808d1e5a