“Mycelioid DOS” is the 5th entry in the art journal on blockchain. I use the “Mycelioid” particle system algorithm as the basis for monthly exploration and development. Subtitle “DOS” is a nostalgic nod to the first computer I learned to code on — a 100 MHz 486 CPU beast. The pixelated output resembles high-quality graphics of the time. The palette consists of 16 colors of CGA (including “tweaked brown”). Shuffling the palette order with every seed results in rich, perceivable color variety. Only after this stage, the colors are blended in a modern manner. “Mycelioid DOS” follows Bitcoin’s advancement. Each block mined not only alters the setup, but begins a celebratory sequence of rapid movement. The extra feature allows you to input your own seed or blockheight manually: — press [S] on keyboard to open the input window.